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Improving the Experience for patients and all Healthcare Stakeholders

Improving the Experience for patients and all Healthcare Stakeholders

Innovative partnerships help improve the experience for patients and all healthcare stakeholders. One of our partners is Fusionetics,

Health in Rural Areas vs Urban counterparts

Health in Rural Areas vs Urban counterparts

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than 46 million Americans, or 15 percent of

Health Disparities & Health Literacy

Health Disparities & Health Literacy

Efforts to address healthcare disparities have made progress, but uncertainties persist. Low health literacy is a primary concern,

Bridging the gap between LGBTQ+ patients and providers

Bridging the gap between LGBTQ+ patients and providers

“There is overwhelming evidence that members of the LGBTQ+ community experience poorer mental health than their heterosexual counterparts.